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EmpowerMe Checking now Bank On Certified

Starting or Rebuilding Credit? You're Already Approved for This Checking Account!

  • Overview
    • Establish checking account history
    • $5 monthly fee (waived for active users of LifeCents)*
    • Astera CU MasterCard debit card
    • $250 daily limit on card transactions to build constructive spending

    EmpowerMe Checking is now Bank On Certified!

    EmpowerMe Checking is a checking account from Astera CU created to help members start their financial journey or get it back on track. The EmpowerMe Checking account is just one more way Astera CU strives to offer continued answers for any financial stage of your journey.

    EmpowerMe Checking Just Got Better!

    • No Fees For: Non-Sufficient Funds, Overdraft Transfer, or Dormant Account
    • Remote Deposit Capture is available immediately (deposit checks right from your phone!)
    • ATM deposit capabilities
    • Astera CU MasterCard debit card
    • $5 monthly fee (waived for active users of LifeCents)*
    • $250 daily limit on card transactions (POS, ATM, or credit)
    • No Courtesy Pay
    • No Dividends
    • No Checks
    • No Paper Statements
  • Frequently Asked Questions

    The Kasasa qualifications calendar are the dates in which you must complete your Kasasa requirements to qualify for rewards for the month. Click here to view this years Kasasa calendar.

    Overdraft Protection can offer you peace-of-mind even if you do not end up utilizing it! This service protects you in the case of non-sufficient funds. Transfers from a Line of Credit or from funds within your account can be utilized to avoid fees in the case of an overdraft. Your Overdraft Protection can also be covered by Courtesy Pay. This service comes with a $30.00 service charge every time it is used.

    Having to take time out of your day to pay bills can be a real hassle. Avoid making late payments and pay bills from your own computer.

    With our updated One-Click Bill Pay service, paying bills is faster and easier than ever! Need to pay a friend or family member? All you need is their email address and a shared password to quickly transfer funds to another person.

    With features you can set up, like alerts and reminders, you'll find it's easy to keep up with your payments. Login to your online banking account to set up Bill Pay today!

    With Bill Pay you can:

    • PAY in just one click. Find the person or company, enter the payment amount and date, and click “Pay.”
    • VIEW all payees, upcoming bills and payment history.
    • ADD a new payee faster than ever. Click the “Add a payee” button to add a person or company.
    • SET UP recurring payments and save time each month. Simply select “Make it recurring” next to your payee.
    • SEE payment amounts and due dates of upcoming bills. Click on the “eBill” icon next to your payee.

    To learn more about Bill Pay, click here to watch a demo.

    At Astera, we offer several options in checking accounts. Our Kasasa Checking accounts do not require a minimum balance. Our Choice Checking account does come with a $5.00 service charge, for accounts that do not carry a $500.00 daily minimum balance, but you can choose to roll down that service charge by doing things you may already be doing such as:

    1. Enroll for E-Statements - $3.00 reduction
    2. Have at least 1 automatic direct deposit (ACH) or online bill payment clear per month - $1.00 reduction.
    3. Utilize your Astera Credit Union MasterCard debit card – for every transaction per month you will receive a $0.10 cent reduction.

    A $30 fee will be applied to your account, in order to stop payment on a check/draft.

    You have up to 30 days to bring your account current if it should go negative. The next thing you should do is take action to prevent this from happening again. How? Set up another account as a failsafe to transfer funds if your checking account happens to go negative for any reason. Or, you can sign up for Overdraft protection, which the credit union will cover any overages you accidently may incur.

    To contact us please submit a question using the button below. A Member Service Representative will get back to you as soon as possible. Or, you can contact us at 517-323-3644.

Empower your financial life with EmpowerMe Checking

Take control of your finances today!

Open Now

*No check or envelope deposits allowed at non-Astera ATMs. Active users of LifeCents are users who have logged in to the LifeCents platform at least once within the past six months. Upon consistent good standing within the EmpowerMe Checking account a member may qualify for a less restrictive checking account, subject to application and approval.