There are multiple ways to report a card lost or stolen. If you misplaced your card but think it is not lost for good you can log into your Astera Card Controls App and lock your card by clicking the green padlock in the bottom left corner of the card image and the padlock will turn red. Now your card is temporarily blocked. If you find your card click on the padlock again to allow your card to be used for transactions again. If you ultimately deem the card lost in the Astera Card Controls App you can click on the image of the card. In the bottom right corner of the screen click on lost/stolen and follow the prompts to close your card.
The second option if your card is lost or stolen is to call us at 800-323-0048 and choose the option for lost/stolen card to speak to a representative and they will close your card.
Finally, you can visit us at any branch location and one of our team members will help you close and replace your card.